The Sirens of Valparaíso

Garrett Kurai

images from A Valparaíso,

a documentary film by Joris Ivens

The hillside trolleys slide in opposite directions.

Beautiful women shade Penguins, 

with bouquets of umbrellas.

A donkey carries dead fish 

in mermaid printed boxes.

A one-legged man climbs 

one hundred and twenty-one steps.

Chileans twist on green-gray tiles.

Horses sit and smoke cigarettes.

Arturo Prat Born 1848, Died 1879.

“One descends laughing.”

Men do not know. A mermaid reclines 

behind a woman putting on red lipstick.

A bride's veil trails from a descending trolley.


Garrett Kurai’s poems are residents of Monolid, Statement: A Journal of the Creative and Critical Arts at CSULA, (Sic) Vice & Verse, and recited in the Radio Poetique series on the PennSound University of Pennsylvania website. A graduate of NYU’s Creative Writing Program, he lives in his hometown of Los Angeles. When not writing poems, he collects a wall of sound and DJs. His music heroes are Robert Wyatt and Rahsaan Roland Kirk.

Read more poems by Garrett Kurai here →