The Tortilla Curtain

Pwu Jean Lee

from St.Clemente, CA

On Easter, 1999





The Iron Curtain

Has melted.


The Bamboo Curtain 

Has split open.


But a new curtain arose,

Draping the American border.


A cement wall is long

Like a slung blade



Slices the blue sky, the forests,


Scares deer and butterflies.


The blue sky

Has no nationality,


Butterflies and dear

Have no passports.


The Tortilla Curtain 

Blocks the hungry animals



From white bread

and Hope


But not poor families

With hungry children.


The Billboards warn


The fleeting Highway 5


Against Road-Kills.

“Watch Out for families


Crossing !” on roads 

Now rivers, mountains.


Humanity Being baptized 

With broken flesh and blood.


The Tortilla Curtain

Can block eyes,


But not hunger and heart.

The poets weep and cry



Beholding the Wall of Shame

Grows without boundary.


Pwu Jean Lee is the author of the book of poems, East Wind, West Rain. Proficient in both English and Chinese, she has won various writing competitions in both languages. Since 2002, her verses ‘A Female Son' excerpted from this book were etched on the marble wall of the PENN STATION in Manhattan, New York City. The exhibition along with poems by Walt Whitman and eleven other American Poets is for permanent display.

Read more poems by Pwu Jean Lee here →